What I actually said Bert was that «I have had enough of Iraq»; big difference. So the next time you shoot your mouth off about things as trivial as the spelling of the word ‘decipher’, perhaps you should learn the rudimentary skill of reading comprehension first. You have fallen into the trap of following the lead of a PR operation to find some level of celebrity status for the parents, yet, have NOT attempted to do any investigative work yourselves. We Give Best Wishes To Madeleines Family for being so brave We Also Hope that the person who took the little girl will have the guts to bring her back….

What is the problem with madeleine’s dissapearance receiving so much coverage!! Who could begrudge this of any Family in their situation. First, I am from the US and I don’t normally even log into the BBC site, but since little Maddie has been in the news I check your website daily to see if she has been found alive and well. I do not believe you should ever stop airing her story until she is found dead or alive.

  • Yes, I genuinely feel very, very sorry for the parents and of course for the poor child.
  • It is therefore gratuitous to have so many people there to tell us that there is nothing more to tell.
  • The media seems to be ignoring this OBVIOUS opportunity to show parents that they must be responsible with their children and that it is NEVER ok to leave small sleeping children alone.
  • To lose a child in any way — by death, abduction or otherwise — is a tragedy.

There was hope for Madie, and i would still like to think there is. And i hope that the family are making it through this difficult time. My last hope can be the tests they are awaiting for Madie’s DNA, off the glass from a diner.

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Surely this country isnt so hard hearted and cruel that it thinks Tony Blair finally stepping down is more important. No one has any idea where this little girl is, or whether she has been harmed or not. So please dont try to tell people that things such as Tony Blair or Gordon Brown are more important, than trying to find a 4 year old girl. Put yourself in the shoes of her parents and think how you would feel then.

So please BBC, follow your conscience and keep the plight of this little girl at the front of all your headlines until she comes home. All everyone wants is for Madeleine to be found safe & well & back with her family the sooner the better. A shame that some moaners feel the need to complain about something that has stirred up so much emotion with people across the UK and Europe. I and many of my friends, colleagues and acquaintances have been appalled by the vacuous coverage of this story.

The bbc among other news stations are sick for all this coverage. The bbc especially should rise above what the audience want for morals. If you were to say to us «I don’t give a xxxx about the social rights and wrongs of this; my job is to give the public what the majority of them want» that at least would be an honest answer.

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I pray to god and will keep praying that she will be brought to her family safely very soon. For those who have written negative feedback you all should be ashamed of yourselves and all I can say is really hope you never have to experience something so horrific as this. An innocent, beautiful little girl, through no fault of her own has been taken away from her mummy and daddy. The thought of her crying out for her mummy and daddy while god knows what is happening to her makes me feel sick to the core. Yes there are other abductions,and awful acts of inhumanity going on,that do deserve coverage,but the McCanns have taken it upon themselves to get the media attention for their little baby. Surely anyone who is put through this hell is allowed to gain as much media interest and attention as they want in the hope someone, somewhere, will provide those key pieces of information.

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You heartless heart of stones….think if this was your child? I agree that the coverage has been frenzied and disproportionate. Would they not be greeted by a committe of social workers on return?

I think the BBC’s coverage of this particularly sensitive and emotive story has been absolutely spot-on. As a parent and a grandparent, I don’t think the coverage is over the top at all. «There, but for the grace of God, go I!» — should be running through every parent’s mind. I feel that the coverage has been sufficient and has not been exploitive.

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Indeed if my child went missing, I too would want and encourage as much awareness as I could using whatever means available. However, I do feel sorry for those thousands of parent’s who have not been as fortunate in receiving so much support and publicity. I too am curious why you should dispatch newsreaders such as Jane Hill whom I like very much, , to Portugal. Why do you send John Sople as well, I think I am right, where then is Lyse Doucet, Orla Guerin, and all the other corespondents who seem to appear when a very important world event occurs then presumably they are sent back into retirement?? As posts before have stated men, women and children from much less ‘comfortable’ environments and upbringings experience tragedy and heartache and the media, celebrity circus and general public do so little to help.

  • Also one might question the effect that reporting on potential suspects might prejudice the investigation.
  • For those who have written negative feedback you all should be ashamed of yourselves and all I can say is really hope you never have to experience something so horrific as this.
  • So please BBC, follow your conscience and keep the plight of this little girl at the front of all your headlines until she comes home.
  • Just how dare anyone complain about too much coverage of any child who goes missing.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of her parents and think how you would feel then.

However, reporting the facts without sidetracked into suspects personal life’s should remain the order of the day. What bothers me is that the case is being given prominence everywhere from the news to the UEFA Cup Final, despite the fact so many similar stories fail to https://cryptolisting.org/ get anything more than local awareness. I was quite shocked at those papers, because surely, a little girl who does not affect the majority can’t be more important than a new leader of a country that will affect thousands, nay, millions of people in the year to come.

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Also one might question the effect that reporting on potential suspects might prejudice the investigation. I feel that I must comment on this as I have been watching BBC 24 every day since Madeleine McCann went missing. I totally agree with your blog, specifically the points you have made about Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. The coverage about Madeleine certainly did not take priority when Tony Blair announced his departure, nor when Gordon Brown won the leadership bid. I’ve read on various media outlets and social media that we’re not the only ones struggling to implement an ITAM program and mentality. USDC is the bridge between dollars and trading on cryptocurrency exchanges.

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I personally am glad that the BBC is covering this tragic story — it hasn’t ended and it has a lot of interest here in the UK and across the world. What we have is a UK citizen who has been abducted abroad for what ever reason and I think that we in the UK have a duty to her to keep the story alive, just as we do for Alan Johnson who has been kidnapped in Gaza. One of the problems with news stories is that they move out of the news as people become ‘bored’ with them, this doesn’t make them any less important and doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be reminded of them. I would also like to see more follow up stories about what happens when a story no longer is deemed ‘newsworthy’ to let us know what the eventual outcome was. There’s no doubt that the story reaches the core of many, many people who watch the time tick by with an increasing sense of despair.

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What they need is continuing love and support not some snide comments from heartless people. I would like nothing better than to never hear the name Madeline McCann again! I can’t begin to know what the McCann’s are feeling but as a mother of two 5 year olds I can only imagine their horror. No one can say what is right or wrong in this case, it is whatever gets them through the next day that is right for them from one perspective. From another yes, perhaps it has distracted people a bit and we are concentrating on the rights and wrongs of the campaign more now then the awful event that has taken place.

Perhaps a trip to her nearest children’s hospital would help her to get things into perspective. I just have to say that I am really impressed that the story of Madeline McCann is still foremost in the news. The people who are complaining that there is too much coverage may think What is FREE coin rather differently if it were their daughter who was taken from them. My Mum has put a yellow ribbon on her car nd bike to raise awareness. Me and my friends are donating money to the madeline appeal! We hope the best for her and hope she is returned safely to her family.

I do not feel that the BBC has given this tragic story too much coverage. This coverage is exactly what is needed to hopefully keep people’s awarness up in the event that clues or Madeleine herself is spotted. This is an ongoing investigation which is why people are interested, which is why it remains a story to be reported. People who suggest that it has been given too much coverage are very odd in my opinion. If Madeleine is still alive it is up to us as a society to stay vigilant, afterall she is only 4 years old. It is incredible that it takes only 2 weeks for some people to be bored by the news of a missing child.

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I do hope they find Maddie soon, but time is getting on and the information all seems a bit mixed up!! Just a closure to all this would be good now, for all the families sake. I hope we find madeline i have all my wishes up for it and ill be so pleased when we find her and i hope she is well.

Those viewers can and should be thinking of the millions of kids out there that CAN be helped right NOW. It is difficult reporting no developments and at the same time trying to keep the issue high profile, which i know is what the vast majority of your audience want. If there is one positive to take out of this it is the goodwill and empathy shown by people the world over. A world community which doesn’t benefit from these comments by Mr Jenkins. I read in the paper today that they found traces of her blood. Firstly i have no idea why it took the U.K to have traced the blood.

I appreciate there is lots of news to put on a site, and i think the BBC has done an excellent job so far to cover this tragic story, but lets see more creative use of the website to keep Madeleines abduction in the media. Tragic as it is she is one child, and I find it abhorent to see the nation’s reaction to this one story while they turn a blind eye to world poverty and war like it does not concern them. If you really think you have handled this coverage with reasonable decorum, I suggest you look back at the «events» of the day when Robert Murat was taken in for questioning.

I was saddened to read that some people, including someone as notable as Simon Jenkins in THE GUARDIAN feels the Madeleine McCann reports are overdone. Anyone who would complain about too much coverage on the abduction of a 4 year old child, especially as she slept under the guise of safety, must have a heart made of stone. If Madeleine’s story is not kept alive in the media….what are the chances of her safe recovery??? Make people aware and keep the story alive is of the utmost importance and this is an ongoing awareness….not just for the story of the day.

Madeline of course is now their top priority, if not at the time they left her. However, few are prepared to name the elephant in the room and debate the issues of parental responsibility, and be seen to criticise the parents for leaving all three of their children unsupervised and alone. I wonder what other issues may have been debated if the family were from a disadvantaged or minority background. I do not feel the coverage of Madeleine’s abduction too over the top. Heaven forbid how I would feel in the McCann’s situation.